For our 7th anniversary, Craig did some research and found a lovely bushwalk in the Royal National Park, which is only about an hour's train ride from Redfern Station. We planned to leave in the late morning; we went to the grocery store, bought some supplies and sat down to a beautiful cup of coffee before heading to the train station.
Craig gets a call-- it's Vix, of Vix and Ruby fame!
They said, "We're heading down to the Royal National Park for a bushwalk-- what are you doing?"
Craig skeptically says, "We're heading down to the Royal National Park for a bushwalk..."
They offer to take us-- Vix says, "I really want a coffee right now."
Craig, incredulously, says, "We're having coffee right now...we can order you some?"
Vix: Fantastic!!
It was a weird start to a wonderful day. We went to the beautiful Royal National Park and took a few amazing hikes in the area.

Gross looking pinecones at the beach:

A crazed mama masked lapwing kept swooping people walking on the beach. Apparently her nest was nearby and she was NOT taking any risks.

Vix and Craig found a rope swing

We went to a boardwalk called Wattamola, and had a delicious picnic; in true vegan form, Craig and I had brought way too much food for ourselves. It was lucky Vix and Ruby happened along to help us eat it.
As the four of us talked about our lives, I brought up Emily, my childhood friend. She lives in Ireland now, and she recently sent me a care package including several hilarious 45s by awesome bands, such as "
Los Tres Sudamericanos" and "
Joe Dolce."
I told Ruby, "You wouldn't believe it; Joe's single is called Shad--"
"SHADDUP YOU FACE!" Ruby sings.
You guessed it. Ruby
already knew about this single. She said it was a huge Australian hit. Joe Dolce was in fact an Italian-Australian who made his career by playing an Italian stereotype on a low-budget talent show in the 70's. My friend
in Ireland sent it to me here
in Australia, and there's no way Emily knew about this.
Ruby and Vix sang the song for us, and yes, I'll put up video of that later-- but for now, I think the lyrics make a pretty good anthem for our 7th year together:
Whatsa matta you?
Why you looka so sad?
Why the long face?
It's a nice-a place--SHADDUP YOU FACE!